electronegativity difference造句

"electronegativity difference"是什么意思   


  1. The more there is an electronegativity difference, the greater the ionic character.
  2. The left side ( from ionic to metallic ) is for delocalized bonds with varying electronegativity difference.
  3. The numbers beside the compounds show the electronegativity difference between the elements based on the Pauling scale.
  4. The electronegativity difference between the two atoms in these bonds is 0.3 to 1.7.
  5. See also the elements'electronegativity difference for a ( perhaps outdated ) way to determine bonding types.
  6. It's difficult to find electronegativity difference in a sentence. 用electronegativity difference造句挺难的
  7. This choice, although still arbitrary, relates the partitioning in some way to the electronegativity difference between the corresponding atoms.
  8. Heuristic tools used to determine ionic character ( such as electronegativity difference or charge distribution ) are secondary to actual physical and chemical properties.
  9. Due to the lesser electronegativity difference between sulfur and hydrogen compared to oxygen and hydrogen, an S H bond is less dipole moment relative to the corresponding alcohol.
  10. In the case of heterocyclic aromatics and substituted benzenes, the electronegativity differences between different parts of the ring may dominate the chemical behaviour of aromatic ring bonds, which otherwise are equivalent.
  11. :: : So factors beyond the simple electronegativity difference are in effect, though ionic bonding is usually stronger than the hydrogen bonds . ~ U ) 19 : 18, 6 February 2011 ( UTC)
  12. It was here especially that Pauling's " electronegativity " concept was particularly useful; the electronegativity difference between a pair of atoms will be the surest predictor of the degree of ionicity of the bond.
  13. Electronegativity, although often thought to be constant for each element, is a variable property; lead shows a high electronegativity difference between values for lead ( II ) and lead ( IV ) of  1.87 and 2.33, respectively.
  14. On the right side ( from ionic to covalent ) should be compounds with varying difference in electronegativity, in the covalent corner compounds with equal electronegativity such as Cl 2 ( chlorine ), in the ionic corner compounds with large electronegativity difference such as NaCl ( table salt ).
  15. Thus, the term " ionic bonding " is given when the ionic character is greater than the covalent character & mdash; that is, a bond in which a large electronegativity difference exists between the two atoms, causing the bonding to be more polar ( ionic ) than in covalent bonding where electrons are shared more equally.


  1. "electronegative metal"造句
  2. "electronegative substituent"造句
  3. "electronegativities"造句
  4. "electronegativities of the elements"造句
  5. "electronegativity"造句
  6. "electronegativity equalization"造句
  7. "electronegativity rule"造句
  8. "electronegativity scale"造句
  9. "electronegativity value"造句
  10. "electroneurogram"造句

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